Thursday 28 February 2013

Carrot Cake Pancakes

You guys, I want to apologise for being amongst the missing for the past six weeks. The last time I posted was January 9 and that is just unacceptable. Basically, I've been more focused on healthy eating and have barely been doing any baking aside from orders. Most of this baking is done at night and taking pictures at night is kind of pointless.

Anyways, I'm back and hopefully here to stay for a bit longer. I will blog as often as I can even if it's not about baking.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Local Eats @ Victoria Grill

Ah, Fried Green Tomatoes! If you've never had these, you need to. And if you live in Bermuda, you can have these babies at Victoria Grill. The restaurant recently revamped it's menu to focus on seasonal food, meaning the menu will change every few months.

Right now, they are serving up southern coastal American food with the likes of chicken and waffles, shrimp and grits, fried green tomatoes, a barbecue platter with brisket, pulled pork and smoked sausage and so much more.

I ate there on Friday night with my boyfriend and we were completely blown away by the menu. Chef Tom Tabor is amazing and sends out these beautiful plates of food with bold flavours.

Check out my review here.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Spicy 3 Bean + Turkey Chili

I told you I would be sharing healthy recipes in the new year! This is one of them. I love chilli. It's hearty, comforting, delicious and most importantly, healthy. My mom made chili a lot when I was a child but it was always a vegetarian/vegan version. I started making my own recipe about three years ago. I always stick with turkey since it's a lean protein but you can use beef, chicken or omit the meat entirely and make a veggie chili.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I always get excited when the New Year rolls around. It means we can have a fresh, new start and hopefully leave everything else in the past. This year, instead of having resolutions, I've decided to just be better. Be better at being healthy and fit, be better at saving money, be a better reporter, be a better mother/girlfriend/sister/daughter/friend/etc and just be a better person overall.

I find when I make resolutions that don't actually stick so I've decided to keep it simple and just try to be better in all areas of my life. As fas as the health/fitness goes, I will not be dieting but I will be living a healthier lifestyle so expect to see healthy recipes on this blog. Of course I will continue to bake but there will be recipes that are delicious and healthy.  Stay tuned :). Here's to 2013!

Monday 24 December 2012

5 Christmas Dessert Ideas

With Christmas is less than 48 hours, I figured I would give you a few ides for desserts. I had planned to make a bunch of desserts and blog about it but with the general election, I got sidetracked and busy. I didn't cook at all last week and ate out so much. I did a little bit of baking but it was orders of things that I've already shared with you.

This year, I'm not hosting Christmas dinner at my house. I'm having friends over for Christmas Eve but we're having a Mexican Fiesta with tacos, black beans, guacamole, seven layer dip and sangria. I'm super excited.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Candy Cane Brownies

I feel like the holiday season is just flying by me. We got our tree the last week of November and decorated it last week so we are definitely full of Christmas cheer in the house. I've already bought a couple boxes of candy canes and they are all gone. My son sings Jingle Bells just about everyday and keeps asking when he's gonna see Santa (Not that he hasn't already seen him three times at three different events).

This weekend, I'm taking him to see Santa again and then we are going to go to another Christmas related event. Sadly enough though, I haven't had one glass of egg nog. Maybe I'll buy some tonight. But seriously, it seems the season is passing by so quickly. I adore the holidays so this is a bit sad to me. Maybe it has something to do with that thing we have coming up on Monday. You know, the election.

Monday 10 December 2012

Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle Cookies

I must seriously love you guys because I'm about to share my favourite recipe of all time with you. These are the best cookies I have ever eaten in my life. I look foward to the Christmas season all year specifically for these cookies. I don't actually remember where I go the recipe from, but I've definitely made it my own. It's not a difficult recipe at all. If you can melt some butter and chocolate and throw it all in a mixer, you can make these. The hard part is having the patience to chill the dough overnight. But it's so worth it. These cookies are soo gooey, chocolately, minty and delicious :)