Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I always get excited when the New Year rolls around. It means we can have a fresh, new start and hopefully leave everything else in the past. This year, instead of having resolutions, I've decided to just be better. Be better at being healthy and fit, be better at saving money, be a better reporter, be a better mother/girlfriend/sister/daughter/friend/etc and just be a better person overall.

I find when I make resolutions that don't actually stick so I've decided to keep it simple and just try to be better in all areas of my life. As fas as the health/fitness goes, I will not be dieting but I will be living a healthier lifestyle so expect to see healthy recipes on this blog. Of course I will continue to bake but there will be recipes that are delicious and healthy.  Stay tuned :). Here's to 2013!

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