Wednesday 5 December 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is the oldest I have ever been and the youngest I will ever be. I turned 27 today and it's been a fabulous day so far. I just wanted to chill out and relax with the people I love and so far, that's all I've done. Usually, I am in a big party mode but this year I wanted to keep things more low key. I'm having some friends over on Saturday night for fabulous food, drinks, games and conversations. It should be a ball. But before that, I'm going to La Serena at The Reefs for a much needed spa need with my gf Nadia. Her birthday was in Sunday and we always do something together.

This is what I bought myself for my birthday. I've already read it through twice and will read it another two to three times. This is practically my bible around the holidays because it is filled with so much goodness.

These are what I made - Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle Cookies. They are my absolute favourite thing and I will share them with you tomorrow.

I'm off to dinner to enjoy the rest of my day xo

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