Tuesday 25 September 2012

Chicken + Vegetable Enchiladas

So the boy says I don't eat healthy.
He says all I do is talk about eating healthy, but I actually don't.
Of course I proceeded to argue with him and he then pointed out that I bake almost daily and happily indulge in the things I make.
He then said I eat junk food.
I was offended because my food is hardly junk.
Yes, everything I bake is laced in butter but it's good butter, high quality delicious butter.
He then pointed out that I said I was going on a healthy meal plan and all I do is talk about it.
I'm starting to think he's right....only a little bit though.

In my last post, I proclaimed my love for Chinese food.
I love Mexican food even more.
I have been obsessed with all things Mexican for years now.
Again, as vegetarians, it was easy to find something satisfying to eat at a Mexican spot.
Being that the Mexican food here is crap, I generally make it myself.

These enchiladas are healthy even though I didn't put healthy in the title.
The filling is chicken, broccoli, onions, corn and a homemade enchilada sauce.
By all means you can play around with the filling to use whatever you like.
Usually I add beans but I made a spicy black bean soup to go along with these (recipe coming soon).

So here's what we need:

one cup chopped broccoli, 1/4 cup chipotle salsa, tin of tomato sauce, one lime, one small tin of corn niblets, 1/2 to one cup cheddar cheese, corn tortillas, half an onion diced, teaspoon cumin, salt and pepper to taste, two cooked chicken breast roughly diced.

Combine the tomato sauce, chipotle salsa, salt, pepper and cumin in a small saucepan and simmer.

While the sauce is simmering, saute the onions in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Cook until translucent.

Add the broccoli to the pan and saute for a minute.
Excuse the sun ruining my picture :)

Add the chicken and corn to the pan and cook for about a minute.

Add half the sauce to the pan and bring to a simmer.

Warm ten corn tortillas in the microwave for a minute on a plate covered with a damp paper towel.
Spray a 9 x 13 pan with cooking spray and place a generous spoonful of filling on each tortilla, working with one at a time.
Roll up and place seam side down into pan.

Continue until you've used all the mixture.
If you have a little bit left over, use later in the week with a salad or put inside a flour tortilla with cheese to make a quesadilla.

Pour the rest of the sauce on top, making sure you cover each enchilada.

Add the cheese to the top.
You can decide how much you want.
I started with half a cup and went from there.
If these weren't deemed "healthy", I would have put loads more since I'm addicted to cheese.
I digress.

Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.

I totally took a photo of these on a plate with the spicy black beans and my Greek yogurt and lime garnish but I don't know what happened to it :(

You can top with salsa, guacamole, sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt if you want to be healthy like me), lettuce, avocado, etc.
The possibilities are endless.


Chicken and Vegetable Enchiladas
makes ten

one cup chopped broccoli
1/4 cup chipotle salsa
tin of tomato sauce
one lime
one small tin of corn niblets
1/2 to one cup cheddar cheese
corn tortillas
half an onion diced
teaspoon cumin
salt and pepper to taste
two cooked chicken breast roughly diced

1) Combine tomato sauce, chipotle sala, cumin salt and pepper in a small saucepan and simmer.
2) While sauce is simmering, saute onion in a skillet over medium high heat in a tablespoon of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt until translucent.
3) Add the broccoli and cook for one minute.
4) Add the chicken and corn and cook for another minute.
5) Pour half the sauce in the pan and bring to a simmer.
6) Warm ten corn tortillas in the microwave for a minute on a plate covered with a damp paper towel.
7) Spray a 9 x 13 pan with cooking spray and place a generous spoonful of filling on each tortilla, working with one at a time. 
8) Roll up and place seam side down into pan. 
9) Continue until you've used all the mixture and if you have a little bit left over, use later in the week with a salad or put inside a flour tortilla with cheese to make a quesadilla. 
10) Pour the rest of the sauce on top, making sure you cover each enchilada.
11) Top with cheese. 
12) Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until cheese is bubbly. 
13) Garnish with salsa, guacamole, sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt if you want to be healthy like me), lettuce, avocado, etc. 

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