Tuesday 18 September 2012


Firstly, I want to apologise for being amongst the missing for the past few weeks.
Things have a been a bit hectic but I am back with quite a few exciting things to share with you.
And this recipe will definitely make up for my absence :)

Blondies are my absolutely favourite thing to bake.
They are chocolately, gooey, satisfying and just simply amazing.
These are my far my most requested item for orders and requests from family and friends.
They are a crowd pleaser and everyone always asks for more when the pan is done.
My favourite way to eat them is a few minutes out of the oven with vanilla ice cream on top...HEAVEN!

Here's my favourite baking assistant.
He likes to dump everything in the bowl and tries to stick his hand in when I'm not looking.

Ok, back to the blondies :)

For those of you who don't know what blondies are, they are basically a lighter version of a brownie.
They are made with a butter, brown sugar and egg base while brownies are made with a chocolate, egg and butter base.
The fun things with blondies is you can add in whatever you want.
Sometimes I do a version with white and dark chocolate, sometimes I do peanut butter or white chocolate and pistachio.
This version is the most requested because they have a ton going on.
I make them with white chocolate, dark chocolate, butterscotch and toffee.
All the flavours work well together and create a perfect little square of goodness.
So let's get started.
Here is what we need:

two sticks unsalted butter, one cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup white sugar, two eggs, one teaspoon vanilla,  two cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 3/4 teaspoon baking powder and three to four cups of white chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and toffee pieces.

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
Mix butter and sugars on medium high speed until fluffy, anywhere from three to five minutes.
Add the two eggs one by one and beat until fully combined.

I promise you I took photos but they came out crappy so I couldn't use them :(

Add in the vanilla then flour mixture on low speed just until combined.

Finally add the variety of add ins and mix on the lowest speed.


Line a 9 x 13 pan with foil then spray with cooking spray.
This makes getting the blondies out of the pan so much easier.
Spread the batter in the pan.
It will be thick and not as easy as you think but be patient.

Bake for 35 minutes.
They will still be a tad underdone but that's where all the gooeynees comes from :)

Let pan cool for 30 minutes then removed foil lined blondies from the pan to cool completely.

Dont be like me and cut a square out of the pan before they are even cooled.
Or, be like me and add ice cream on top so it melts into the blondie...AMAZING!

Ok, back to the baking.
Cut into 24 or 12 squares depending on how big you want the blondies and/or how many people you are baking for.

So I know this photo isn't the best, but it shows you just how gooey and amazing these babies are :)


two sticks butter
one cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
two eggs
one teaspoon vanilla
one teaspoon salt
two cups flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
three cups of white chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and/or toffee pieces

1)Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2)Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl, set aside.
3)Cream butter and sugar together on medium high until fluffy, about three to five minutes.
4) Add eggs one by one and mix until fully combined.
5) Add vanilla then flour mixture.
4) Finally, dump the variety of add ins to the bowl and mix just until combined, maybe 10 seconds.
5) Scrape batter into a foil lined 9x13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.
6) Bake for 35 minutes.
7) Cool in pan for 30 minutes then remove the foil line blondies to allow them to cool completely.
8) Cut into squares of 12 or 24, depending on how many people who have to feed and/or how big you want them.

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