Friday 21 September 2012

Healthy Fried Rice

I love chicken fried rice.
In fact, I love Chinese/Japanese/Thai food, really Asian food in general.
As a child, my mom would make a variety of stir fries and curries.
I made sense because we were vegetarian so we could eat out at a Chinese restaurant and not feel like we were missing anything.
Also, adding Asian spices to tofu makes it taste really good.

Needless to say, I eat a lot of baked goods, which doesn't bode well for my waistline.
I am in the gym almost daily doing a combination of boot camp, zumba and kickboxing, but if all I do is eat junk, I won't be healthy.
Not that my baked good are classified as junk, but I think you know what I mean.
So this rice is an example of how I try to eat daily.
Weekends are for french fries and pancakes :)
But seriously, I make it with brown rice and a variety of vegetables.
I also throw in some cooked chopped chicken but you can leave it out if you're veggie.
This is more of a method rather than a recipe and can be doubled or tripled depending on how many people you are feeding.

Here's what we need: an egg scrambled, one cup of cold brown rice (I forgot this), two/three cups of mixed raw veggies of your choice, a squeeze or two of sriacha, couple dashes of low sodium soy sauce, salt, pepper, teaspoon of ginger, one cup chopped chicken, sesame oil (forgot this too).

Heat a tablespoon of sesame oil in a skillet or wok over medium heat.
Add the onions and saute for a few minutes, until translucent.
If using mushrooms, add next and saute until browned.

Add the rest of the vegetables and a few dashes of soy sauce.

Add the chicken as well along with the sriacha, ginger, salt and pepper to taste.

Add the scrambled egg and saute a few minutes until everything browns up.

Add the rice and a dash of sesame oil.
Cook until the rice has browned.
Taste to see if it needs more salt and/or pepper.


Healthy Fried Rice

one cup cold brown rice
two/three cups mixed vegetables including onion
one egg scrambled
 two tablespoons sesame oil
couple dashes soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
squeeze or two of sriacha
teaspoon of ginger
one/two cups cooked, chopped chicken

1) Heat one tablespoon of sesame oil on medium heat.
2) Saute onion until translucent.
3) Add mushrooms and saute until browned.
4) Add the rest of the vegetables and saute a few minutes.
5) Add chicken along with seasonings.
6) Add scrambled egg and saute until everything browns.
7) Dump the rice in the pan along with remaining tablespoon of sesame oil.
8) Cook until rice is brown.
9) Taste to see if more salt and/or pepper is needed.

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