Friday 28 September 2012

Easy Granola

Since I keep talking about eating healthy, I've decided to actually do it.
I had a conversation with one of the trainers at my gym, Nerseh about what to eat for breakfast.
I would usually eat some kind of Kashi cereal with fruit but would be hungry by 10am. Not good.
She told me that I get hungry because a) there was no protein and b) cereal is a sugar rush.
Nerseh suggested I try yogurt with granola and berries.
I immediately balked at this idea.
First off, I hate yogurt. I am disgusted by it.
But Nerseh kept insisting I should find one I like and go from there.

So I made this granola and tried it with plain Greek yogurt and honey.
I forced myself to eat it because it is healthy.
Later that day, I went to the store and bought a small container of Stonyfield organic vanilla figuring I might like it.
I buy Amari the strawberry one and he loves it.

The next morning, I was extremely skeptical but I figured there was no harm in trying.
I figured it couldn't possibly taste any worst than the Greek yogurt.
And I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised.
Yes, the vanilla yogurt has more sugar in it than the plain Greek but I don't have to add anything so I figure I'm saving sugars there.
And it kept me satisified until around 11:30 when I eat something slight before going to the gym.
So the yogurt was a success and I've been eating it every morning.

But let's talk granola.
My mom made granola when I was little so I've always loved it.
I was looking for an easy, healthy but yummy recipe and here it is.
This recipe is simple because I only use slivered almonds, oats, honey and sea salt but you can add whatever nuts you like, add in dried fruit and use maple syrup instead of honey.
Let's get started.
Here's what we need:

1/2 cup of honey, one cup of slivered almonds chopped, teaspoon of salt and three cups of oats

Add everything to the bowl and mix together. Add more honey if it doesn't come together.
You want it to be sticky.

Spread out on a foil-lined cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray and bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes, shaking it around halfway through.

Cool on cookie sheet and store in a container or in a ziploc bag.

I eat mine with about half a cup of yogurt and some blackberries.
Of course, you have throw in a small bag and have a snack on the go.

Easy Granola

3 cups old fashioned oats
one cup slivered almonds or whatever nuts you like
1/2 cup honey
one teaspoon salt

1) Combine everything in a bowl and mix together, adding more honey if needed.
2) Spread out on a foil-lined cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray.
3) Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes, shaking it around halfway through.
4) Cool on cookie sheet them store in a container or ziploc bag.

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