Friday 28 September 2012

It's Friday :)

Yes, I do think like this :)
It's that kinda day!
I went to lunch with my gf Kelly per usual.
My Fridays consists of NewBite in the morning, Boot Camp and then lunch with Kelly.
During our weekly lunches, we have great conversations and laugh our asses off for the majority of the time :)
And drink wine.
This is kind of our motto...

Oh, and this one too...

I LOVE these ecards :)
OK, OK, back to the food...

We stick with Taste 141 or Tribe Road Kitchen, but today we went to Mad Hatters.
The food was fantastic as usual- we shared chicken with oyster mushrooms and lemon sole with burre blanc and arugula. Roast potatoes and mixed veg came family style.
I forgot to take pictures because we were too busy having amazing conversation that you would be insanely jealous of!
For dessert we had this

It was called a chocolate surprise I think, like a chocolate truffle cake of sorts.
Basically chocolate, butter, sugar, cream and eggs I would imagine.
This cake was divine. We shared it of course but I could have easily eaten it by myself!

The funny thing was our server asked if I was allowed to have cake since I'm supposed to be eating healthy. Damn me and my bikini body challenge.
Yes, I still workout but I've not been eating extremely healthy lately.

Anyways, so tonight is Fashion Night Out.
I'm going to hit up a few stores to get some free wine and check out the new fall trends.
I'm not allowed to buy anything as a reformed shopaholic.
We will see how long that lasts.

This weekend, I'm going to do a good bit of cooking and baking.
I plan to make pumpkin and salted caramel blondies, a salted caramel apple cake, mac and cheese and probably a bunch more things.

On Sunday, I plan to make a few things to last for the week and make some freezer friendly foods for his lunch. I will post of kid-friendly foods at some point when I figure them out.

Have a wonderful weekend :)

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