Monday 16 July 2012

You Go Girl!

So I know this is a food blog, but I plan to throw in a few things here and there about my life that doesn't involve around food :)

Yesterday morning, I did my first road race.
It was sooo exciting!

But let me give you a little back story.

At the end of February, I started a journey to be more fit and healthy.
I trained with a personal trainer, Don Peden and vowed to become healthier and fitter.
My goal was to complete my journey by the start of Bermuda's summer, May 24.
And I did it.
I worked out 5 to 6 days a week and was committed to watching my diet.
I ended up losing 14 pounds and gaining a lot of muscle.
The whole experience was amazing for me and I remain committed to my healthy lifestyle.
You can read about that journey here.

So back to You Go Girl.
My wonderful friend Alia (the gorgeous girl above) convinced me to run in this race.
It is the first of its kind not only in Bermuda, but in the world.
The whole race was 6k and was only open to women!

Each team was comprised of three runners.
The first runner started the race by running 2k.
The second runner joined on the second lap and ran a 2k with the first runner.
The third runner joined on the final lap, and the three girls ran that lap and crossed the finish line together!

The experience was absolutely amazing!
Although I definitely struggled running in the heat, it is an event I will do again.
Next year I will be far more prepared.
As far as the race goes, it started at 8:30am in Dockyard, the other end of the island on a Sunday morning.
And it was incredibly hot.
But the camaraderie between the women was amazing and I would definitely say the event was a huge success.

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