Saturday 11 August 2012

Bermudian-Style Potato Salad

Ah, potato salad.
I love potato salad.
In the summer, I could probably eat it everyday if it wasn't so damn fattening!
But seriously, potato salad made well gets me everytime.
I grew up on my mom's potato salad which is still the best to me.
I've tried many different varieties and I still come back to my mommy's potato salad.

This recipe is pretty similar to hers with my own twist on it.
The main difference is that I season and mix my potato salad while the potatoes are warm because they will soak up much more flavour that way.
It's a simple but delicious recipe and has everything I love about potato salad in it.

I made this for a boat I'm going out on tomorrow.
It's funny because I didn't have any potato salad over the Cup Match weekend which is practically a sin.
I will definitely make up for it tomorrow.

So let's go.
Here is what we need.

Jane's crazy mix-up salt(or another salt mix), onion powder, garlic salt, seasoning salt, pepper, two eggs, a tablespoon of flat-leaf parsley, half a 5lb bag of potatoes, mayonaise and peas(I forgot to put them in the picture).

I know it sounds like a lot of salt but you really just need to season to taste, that't why there are no measurements.
I really like the combination of the three salts.

You can also add fresh dill and a squirt or so of yellow mustard for tang.
I usually do both but the grocery store didn't have dill and when I got home, I realised I had no mustard.

Peel and dice the potatoes and put in a pot of cold water over high heat.

Add the eggs after a few minutes.

When the potatoes are fork tender, about 10 minutes or so, drain and put in a bowl.

While they are still warm, season with the various seasonings to taste.

While the potatoes are cooling, chop about a tablespoon of fresh parsley and add to bowl.

Add about a cup of mayonnaise, the peas and grated egg to the bowl.

Mix together and taste.

Add more salt/pepper and mayonnaise if needed.

It's best to let this sit in the fridge overnight to let the flavours develop more.

And there you have it, a nice bowl of delicious, comforting potato salad.

I can eat it straight from the bowl by the spoonful, but I should restrain myself since it is potato salad after all :)


Bermudian-Style Potato Salad

Jane's mix-up salt

onion powder
garlic salt
seasoning salt
two eggs
tablespoon flat-leaf parsley
half a 5lb bag of potatoes
1 cup mayonnaise(add more if needed)
1/4 cup peas

1. Peel and dice potatoes.
2. Put in a pot of cold water and boil on high heat until fork tender.
3. Add the eggs half way through. 
4. Once cooked, put potatoes in a bowl and season to taste while still hot. 
5. Chop a tablespoon of flat leaf parsley and add to bowl. 
6. Grate eggs and add to bowl along with mayonnaise and peas. 
7. Mix together and taste. 
8. Add more salt/pepper and mayonnaise if needed. 

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