Tuesday 7 August 2012

Cup Match Time In Bermuda!!!

 Photo courtesy Akil Simmons

I LOVE Cup Match week in Bermuda.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's a two-day cricket game held either the last Thursday and Friday in July or the first Thursday and Friday in August.
To sum it it up in one word, it's AMAZING!

The festivities start on Wednesday evening.
This year, our fun started with a happy hour cruise aboard the Uber Vida.
It was fab.

This is Alia, Chetna and I on the boat.
It was a birthday party for the Ramsay twins, Jaime and Jereme who were turning 30.
It was the best cruise I've been on all summer.
Great vibes, great people and great music.

Once we got off the boat close to 11pm, we headed to Barr's Park to see the Collie Buddz show which was fantastic.
This is my friend Nadia and I.

Photo courtesy Glenn Tucker

The show started with a set by New York-based reggae band New Kingston who killed it.

Collie Buddz also known as Colin Harper followed with much applause from the crowd.
He is a Bermudian artist and we all love him :)
Unfortunately I don't have access to any photos from the show...damn copyright!
But here's a pic of Buddz in case you don't know.

I must add here that I drank an insane amount of rum swizzle on Wednesday night.
Rum Swizzle is the perfect summer drink made of pineapple juice, orange juice, Gosling's Black Seal Rum (Bermuda's most famous export), Gold Rum and grenadine.

So refreshing and amazing, but something I rarely drink cuz I'm a vodka girl.
Needless to say, I was hungover the next day for Beach Fest!

 Photo courtesy Akil Simmons

Ah, Beach Fest, a great great day!
Basically we all head to the beach and stay all day drinking, partying, dancing and chilling out in the water.
There are hundreds of people as shown in the photo.
Again, I drank copious amounts of Swizzle!

But the Cup Match weekend wouldn't be complete without a trip to the game, it is called Cup Match after all.
My team didn't win but I still thoroughly enjoyed myself and had a ball!
Again, more Swizzle.
It's important to try out different people's version of the drink.
At the game I had three different kinds.
The best was  from the Swizzle King's stall.
We also ate fried fish from St David's Seafood and french fries, my fav things to eat at the game!

Later that night we headed to Soca vs Reggae.
I was a judge this year.
Here I am with Shal Marshall, the soca artist for the event and a really cool guy.

And for my review of the show, click here.

The final fun day of the weekend belongs to Sunday, better known as Non-Mariners.
Hundreds of boats raft up in Mangrove Bay and it is a blast.
Last year I did a big party boat for 60 people.
This year, I kept it simple by going on my friend Shannon's boat.
I think there were 12 of us.
Much, much better.

All in all, it was a great weekend.
I can't wait until next year!

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