Monday 1 October 2012

Perfect Pancakes + Sunday Lunch

Ah, pancakes. 
Pancakes are my absolute favourite thing to eat for breakfast. 
Anytime I go out for breakfast, I order them and I make them every weekend at home. 
Usually, I make them on Saturday because Sunday is dedicated to codfish and potatoes of course. 
I can eat about two regular sized pancakes covered in cheddar cheese and syrup, the perfect blend of sweet and savoury. 
I made pancakes for breakfast on Saturday and they were wonderful. 
This recipe is pretty simple and can easily be doubled. 
These pancakes are quite light and aren't terribly puffy, something I'm not a fan of when eating pancakes. 
You add in whatever you like ie chocolate chips blueberries, banana, nuts, etc. 
You can also use whole wheat flour and skim milk if you are being health conscious, something I need to be :)

I know we are talking about pancakes but I really wanted to share what I had for lunch yesterday with you.
I usually have no desire to actually cook lunch on the weekends so I just throw something together based on what I have in the house. 
This is what I had.

I had half a baguette left over from Firday night's steak dinner so I toasted the bread in a skillet with butter and olive oil. 
On top, we have French brie, honey and cracked black pepper. 
And of course, some fruit, cantalope and a glass of pinot noir. 
This lunch was soo satisfying and simple. 
My mouth is drooling just thinking about this.

OK, back to the pancakes.
Here's what we need:

1 1/2 cups flour, three tablespoons sugar, one teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 1/4 cups of milk (or buttermilk), two tablespoons melted butter, one teaspoon vanilla, two eggs

Combine the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet in another. I forgot to take a picture of the wet. 

Mix together until combined but still lumpy. 

It should be a bit bubbly. 

Heat a skillet or griddle to a medium high heat and spray with cooking spray. Using a 1/4 measuring cup, pour out batter on griddle or skillet, cooking until you see bubbles in the pancakes. 
I put a few mini chocolate chips in one of my pancakes.

Flip over and cook until the bottoms are golden brown. 

Put on a plate and eat em however you like. 
I do cheddar cheese, syrup and turkey bacon along with a cup of steaming hot English breakfast tea. 
A perfect breakfast :)

Perfect Pancakes

1 1/2 cups flour
three tablespoons sugar
one teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups of milk (or buttermilk)
two tablespoons melted butter
one teaspoon vanilla
two eggs

1) Mix together dry ingredients in one bowl and wet in another. 
2 Mix together until combined but still lumpy. 
3) Heat a skillet or griddle to a medium high heat and spray with cooking spray. 
4) Using a 1/4 measuring cup, pour out batter on griddle or skillet, cooking until you see bubbles in the pancakes.
5) Flip over and cook until bottoms are golden brown.  

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