Thursday 8 November 2012

I'm So Healthy....Not Really

Today, I had a shot of wheat grass. Then, I had half a fruit smoothie. Then, I went to body combat at my gym and totally kicked ass! Then, I got a quinoa, chicken and vegetable salad. I'm soo healthy!

The truth is, I wanted to go to Rock Island and get a chai latte and a date bar. However, I ended up going to Down to Earth with my boyfriend who coerced me into having a shot of wheat grass. He gets them all the time. I had never had one. He said it would make me healthy. I said OK even though I planned to have bread and cheese for lunch. But I got so caught up in the new found healthiness in my life that I caved and had my quinoa.

But seriously, I am really trying to be more healthy but it's difficult for me. I need to break out of my exercise rut. Today was the first time I had been to the gym in a week which might not sound like a long time for some people but for me, it's an eternity. And to make matters worse, I keep baking and cooking things that aren't terribly healthy so I need to sort myself out before I get FAT :(

The picture on the left is what I looked like in February. The one on the right is what I looked like at the end of May. I was super fit and very conscious of what I ate. I need to get back to that ASAP.

I think I will never stop baking. I love it far too much. I don't eat to live. I live to eat. I always have butter, sugar, eggs and chocolate in my house so that anytime I feel like making something comforting, I can do it within an hour. But that doesn't mean I have to do it everyday. I am truly seeking to find the balance between baking amazing desserts and still being healthy and fit. Any ideas?

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