Wednesday 14 November 2012

Rice Krispie Treats Two Ways

I love rice krispie treats. I think they are so underrated and I find that to be very sad. I know some of you are thinking I'm crazy because rice krispie treats can be very boring. If made incorrectly, they can be hard and dry and not at all appetising. But when they are made right, they are perfection. They are gooey, sweet and buttery. All things that are amazing to me.

The problem I've always had with rice krispie treats is that usually, they don't have chocolate. As you know, I am a HUGE chocolate fan and will try to eat everyday. Shh...don't tell my trainer! This recipe is special because I've made "traditional" rice krispies and a chocolate version in the same pan. The "traditional" ones look traditional but actually aren't because instead of just melting the butter, I make brown butter which takes the flavour to another level. The chocolate version is actually chocolate and peanut butter mixed into the rice krispie marshmallow goo. They are soo good! Let's get started.

PS: A lot of these photos are crap because it was getting dark so fast and my flash was acting up but please make these cuz they are YUMMY!

Here's what we need:
one bag mini marshmallows
two tablespoons peanut butter
half a cup of chocolate chips (I used a couple tablespoons of chocolate ganache I had in the fridge)
one stick of butter (I forgot this in the picture)
seven cups rice krispies
teaspoon vanilla (Forgot this as well)

Melt one stick of butter in a large pot over medium high heat. Once it melts down, you need to keep an eye on it because it will go from lovely, nutty brown butter to burnt butter in seconds.

This is what brown butter looks like.

Add all the marshmallows to the pan and put the heat on low. Stir until marshmallows are completely melted.

Put the rice krispies in a bowl and pour marshmallow mixture on top.

Mix until combined.

Put half the mixture into a 9x13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.

Return mixture to pot and add peanut butter and chocolate chips or chocolate ganache. Stir until combined.

Pour mixture into the other side of the pan. Let mixture sit in pan for 30 minutes then cut into squares.

Rice Krispie Treats Two Ways


one bag mini marshmallows
two tablespoons peanut butter
half a cup of chocolate chips (I used a couple tablespoons of chocolate ganache I had in the fridge)
one stick of butter 
seven cups rice krispies
teaspoon vanilla

1) Melt butter over medium high heat in a large pot on the stove.
2) Once it melts down, you need to keep an eye on it because it will go from lovely, nutty brown butter to burnt butter in seconds.
3) Add all the marshmallows to the pan and put the heat on low. Stir until marshmallows are completely melted.
4) Put the rice krispies in a bowl and pour marshmallow mixture on top. Mix until combined.
5) Put half the mixture into a 9x13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.
6) Return mixture to pot and add peanut butter and chocolate chips or chocolate ganache. Stir until combined.
7) Pour mixture into the other side of the pan. Let mixture sit in pan for 30 minutes then cut into squares.

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