Monday 5 November 2012

Brown Sugar Pound Cake

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Yes, I have had my caffeine already and am quite chipper today despite not being able to take advantage of the extra hour. My son woke up at 6:22 yesterday morning. Yes, I said 6:22am. Needless to say, that wasn't the best start to my day and by 8am, I was starving. We decided to go to breakfast at Grotto Bay and that was the best decision I made all day. The servers kept refilling my cup of coffee which I have to say was wonderful. The breakfast buffet was amazing and the food was delicious.

When we got home, I decided I wanted to make a cake. But not just any old cake, a brown sugar pound cake. This is hands down the best cake I have ever made. It's better than red velvet cake, chocolate mousse cake, carrot cake, vanilla cake...OK, you get my drift. But seriously, this cake is terribly easy to make and it is absolutely delicious. It's not something I make often, but when I do, it is gone very quickly. So let's get started.

three cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
two cups sugar
one cup firmly packed brown sugar
six large eggs
two sticks softened unsalted butter
one tablespoon vanilla
one cup sour cream

Cream the butter and sugars together until fluffy, about five minutes.

Beat in each egg one by one then add vanilla.

Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl.

Add the flour mixture one third at a time.

Alternate with sour cream.

Pour batter into a bundt pan sprayed with cooking spray and bake in a 350 degree over for 50 minutes to one hour. Start checking at 50 minutes so that you don't over bake the cake and make it dry.

You will have some batter left over, enough to make a dozen cupcakes or a loaf sized cake.

One cake is baked, cool in pan for an hour then invert onto a plate. I don't use a glaze because I feel the cake is sweet enough, but feel free to drizzle some caramel over the top or a a simple icing sugar glaze. This cake is very good with vanilla ice cream as well.

Brown Sugar Pound Cake

three cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
two cups sugar
one cup firmly packed brown sugar
six large eggs
two sticks softened unsalted butter
one tablespoon vanilla
one cup sour cream

1) Cream the butter and sugars together until fluffy, about five minutes.
2) Beat in each egg one by one then add vanilla.
3) Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl. 
4) Add the flour mixture one third at a time, alternating with sour cream.
5) Pour 
batter into a bundt pan sprayed with cooking spray and bake in a 350 degree over for 50 minutes to one hour. Start checking at 50 minutes so that you don't over bake the cake and make it dry. 

One cake is baked, cool in pan for an hour then invert onto a plate.

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