Wednesday 3 October 2012

Chipotle Black Bean Soup + My Weekend

This past weekend, I did a ton of relaxing.
It was really great. I also did a lot of eating per usual.
On Saturday night, the boy and I went to Culture Fest in Dockyard.
The weather was a bit muggy but the entertainment was pretty good.
But being the person that I am, I immediately gravitate towards the food section.
I want to know what people are selling, who has the best deal and more importantly, who has the best food.

As we were walking around, I kept seeing people with what looked like a potato on a stick.
I couldn't figure it out so I finally stopped someone and asked where they had bought it.
Turns out, it was called Chips Stix. It was a potato shoved on a stick, spiraled and deep fried. Then, they put on your choice of seasoning. I got cheese and onion, which was soo good :)

But of course, I wasn't finished.
I went and got mini donuts. I asked for six and the guy put about ten in the bag.
The boy looked me with disgust as I devoured my "greasy" food. Oh well, it was well :)

So let's talk soup.
I should start by saying this is a vegetarian recipe because I know some black bean soups have bacon in them. I love black beans and I love black bean soup. This one has a bit of a kick but of course you can control that. This soup is made in a crock pot and needs to cook for six hours so it's good to make on the weekend. It's something that everyone loves, including Amari. He likes his topped with a bit of cheddar cheese and sour cream. I like mine with cheddar cheese, sour cream, avocado and a little bit of salsa.

One important step to remember is not to add salt while the soup is cooking. And when you cook your onions, don't put salt on them during that step as well. Salting the beans will slow down the cooking time and it already takes long enough. So let's go.

Here's what we need:

1/4 cup of chipotle salsa or two chipotle peppers in adobo chopped, sea salt, pepper, one onion diced, two teaspoons cumin, one bag black beans, juice of one lime.

Dice your onion into small pieces.

Saute over medium heat in a tablespoon of olive oil until translucent. Do not add salt!!!

Put black beans in a strainer and rinse, removing weird-looking pieces of beans.

While the onions are cooking, add seven cups of water to a kettle and boil.
Once the water is boiled put in crock pot along with black beans, cumin, onions and chipotle.

Cook on high for six hours.

One the six hours are done, puree the soup with an immersion/stick blender. If you don't have one, let the soup cool for 10 minutes then puree it batch by batch in a regular blender. I don't like it super smooth so I leave it slightly chunky.

Season with salt and pepper to taste and the juice of one lime.


Chipotle Black Bean Soup

1/4 cup of chipotle salsa or two chipotle peppers in adobo chopped
sea salt
one onion diced
two teaspoons cumin
one bag black beans
juice of one lime

1) Dice your onion into small pieces and saute in a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat until translucent. Do not add salt!
2) Put black beans in a strainer and rinse, removing weird-looking pieces of beans.
3) While the onions are cooking, add seven cups of water to a kettle and boil.
4) Once the water is boiled put in crock pot along with black beans, cumin, onions and chipotle.
5) Cook on high for six hours.
6) One the six hours are done, puree the soup with an immersion/stick blender. If you don't have one, let the soup cool for 10 minutes then puree it batch by batch in a regular blender. 
7) Season with salt and pepper to taste and the juice of one lime. 

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