Sunday 7 October 2012

Local Eats @ Ten Cafe and Bar

The other night, I met up with Kelly at Cafe Ten for an after work drink. We do this this pretty regularly. The reason we choose Ten is because the chef, Mike will make us all kinds of crazy things that aren't on the menu. And Mika the manager will whip up crazy concoctions for us to drink. It's pretty fun.

So I'm just going to do a rundown of what we ate.

This is a salmon tartare with lemon juice, lemon zest, black sesame seeds and a small salad on top on a Himalayan salt block. This wasn't my favourite but it was good. I prefer tuna tartare. We had maybe one or two pieces each and then let it sit while we had our next app. Bad idea because it became so salty as a result of the salt block.

Next was deep-friend soft shell crab. I don't eat crab at all, well except for crab cakes.  I'm not a huge seafood person but I will of course eat fish, scallops and shrimp here and there. I did try one and it was OK. The sauce was very good though.

This is what Mike called Rockstar Oysters. These were soo good. On top of the oyster was pesto with breadcrumbs. Yes, they did taste like seawater but that's what fresh seafood is supposed to taste like. While I wouldn't usually order oysters, these were very good.

Finally, we had a goat cheese and tomato pizza. It was simple and fresh so of course it was good. We put a ton of cracked black pepper on the pizza to give it some zing.

Next time you go to Cafe Ten, if it's not busy and you aren't inspired by what's on the menu, ask Chef Mike to hook up something special for you. Tell him I sent you :)

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